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facebook second death syndrome

The phenomenon where people post and comment about a celebrity`s death years afterwards as if it just happened.

Facebook Poster: RIP Rue Mcclanahan. I loved you on the Golden Girls.
Reply: dude, she died 5 years ago.
Facebook poster: sorry. Facebook second death syndrome strikes again.

by coupondad7 July 1, 2015

Las Vegas death march

Any exhaustingly and/or exasperatingly long walk through Las Vegas, usually resulting from a gross misjudgment of the distance between points due to the flat landscape and oversized buildings.

Dad led us on another Las Vegas death march today - "Oh, come on, we're not wasting good money on a taxi! Rio is right over there!" You'd think he'd learned his lesson after the Circus Circus fiasco!

by RevWaldo October 18, 2010

34👍 1👎

Death From Above

To make love to a specific song

"We death from aboved to Justice last night"

by Arabella Sexface May 10, 2008

10👍 44👎

Our Flag Means Death

A show about gay pirates. It is very good but not historically accurate.

All of the main characters have at least one homoerotic scene.

Person 1: Yo, have you seen Our Flag Means Death yet?
Person 2: No, sounds really sad.
Person 1: You'd be surprised, but you're not actually wrong.

by TeddyTheMalewife April 13, 2022

Mega Hyper Death AIDS

Mega Hyper Death AIDS (MHDAIDS) is the worst disease known to man. It has a 99% mortality rate and it takes at least 10 days to kill a grown adult. MHDAIDS can be transmitted via sexual intercourse, and it is hereditary. If one were to recover from MHDAIDS, they would have an increased risk of developing Ligma or Bofa in their later life. Treatments for MHDAIDS include E-TMA, Sawcon and Sugon.

"Hey everyone, Shoenice again. I have Mega Hyper Death AIDS, this is my final video..."

by Hecking Degenerate June 15, 2021

5👍 1👎

i am become death

(J. Robert) Oppenheimer later recalled that, while witnessing the (first atomic bomb) explosion, he thought of a verse from the Hindu holy book, the Bhagavad Gita:

If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one ...

Years later he would explain that another verse had also entered his head at that time: namely, the famous verse: "kālo'smi lokakṣayakṛtpravṛddho lokānsamāhartumiha pravṛttaḥ",

which he translated as "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

TV: Heroes. "I Am Become Death," Season 3, Episode 4, Aired 10/6/08.

Website: www.iambecomedeath.com (awesome art from a sick fucker.)

by hank jones April 30, 2012

29👍 1👎

death from above 1979

a band that kicks so much arse they only have 2 people in their band a bassist and a drummer and the drummer is vocals i mean how sweet is that. thats like so sweet it makes me crap my pants.

oh man death from above 1979 rocks my anus

by somebody September 5, 2004

346👍 41👎