That boy hasn’t gone to the bathroom all day. He must have a willy full of water.
To be bald in the front and middle leaving only a horshoe around the sides.
He was balding, but only from the back, not the Full Lewandowski!
the total unadorned, untrimmed bush - a million miles from Brazil - but obviously where it all started
wow man, when she dropped those drawers, I saw the whole goddam bear, I mean the full Iberian
The act of getting completely naked in a public place, then strumming your bean like you've got a mosquito bite on it.
She was just sitting there, I never thought she would go the full Langridge..
Busting someones ball as hard as you can on a game of Golf With Your Friends
Oh no, Jamie is doing bad, he is going full Skuggan on us now.
A full farce personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Tim pulled another full farce today, humble bragging about his moistress and getting butt hurt by anyone that disagreed with him. He blocked 7 users and claimed he won the internet.
A video game term from the game rust. When a survivor is running around in a fully protected gear set.