A misspelled attempt to say socially retarded, first seen in the bio of a tinder user describing the kind of man who should swipe left on their profile.
I'm not into guys that can't hold a decent conversation. So if you're socially restarted. Swipe left.
Social media brats who follow in a group. FratComplaining and ridiculing others.
Not realizing that they are being hypocritical
Post: OMG, I can't believe that Karen did that!
Fbrat: I know, blonde haired white women , who drive minivans are crazy!
Karen: So, its okay for you to stereotype, but if anyone does, there Racist!
Social FbratsPost 3,4,5 etc: Yeah, that Women doesn't know what she's talking about.
We should protest Karens.
When people are mean to you and you feel offended
"I feel socially penetrated by that person"
A sign of social outcasts is being a teacher.
Often that teacher teaches german, the teacher's name is also Natalia/Natasja
Natalia/Natasja is a social outcast.
That teacher is a social outcast.
A Person/Geek that checks only websites for social networking such a Twitter,Facebook,Myspace etc.
P.S Myspace is so old why would you still be using it?
Tom(on iphone): hey, dude i gotta check twitter and facebook, ttyl
Shane:Dude, you are such a Social NetGeek!
A Social Perogie is someone who thinks that their peers/friends like them and respect them, but in reality their peers only pretend to like them and actually do not enjoy their presence.
Jimothy: “Oh jeez, Michael’s here.”
Fonald: “Man, we have to stop pretending we like him or else he’ll keep coming over.”
Jimothy: “He’s a Social Perogie.”
Inviting some one to go out to entertain anther person in the group you don't feel like entertaining.
Social Pimping - I'm going to social pimp karen to hang out with emily tonight so she leaves me alone.