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y did u look this up u retard

a retard searched this up

by big_mac69 October 11, 2021


Someone who uses the word Libtard.

Retards find it hard to accept political and economic truths

by bowlicorn August 3, 2018


Someone who thinks Dragonball is better than Naruto

"I heard they like Dragon ball better than Naruto." "Oh wow, they must be a retard."

by SeudoE September 8, 2019


A guy named gaybriel who thinks he is the richest in the room

We'ed like to thank our sponser express vpn retard

by Nico12343 February 16, 2024


A mexican slow and retarded guy who believes he isnt retarded. He thinks he is the richest in the call and is bag at minecraft.

Jordan: gabriel your retarded

by Nico12343 February 5, 2024


Retard is slur u know...

If u say retard ur acting like professional

by Santiagofreire5 February 15, 2021


Jack kavanaugh

My friend Jack kavanaugh is a retard

by Kavanaugh19 February 11, 2022