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trouser snake

Slang for penis, but could also refer to Trowzer from the Yooka-Laylee series of video games.

A: "What's the name of that snake that wears pants in Yooka-Laylee?"
B: "You must be thinking of Trowzer!"
A: "Oh yeah, the guy who originated from the phrase trouser snake. It means penis."

by BrochachoYT May 25, 2020

Trouser Snake

Another word (or phrase) used to describe one's penis bulge when seen by another person

insert name: Hey Jake! Did you see Evan's Trouser Snake?
Jake: Yeah, I'm surprised no one else saw

by Real Kiwi Hours February 13, 2018

trouser snake

Beware the trouser snake. Its related to the one-eyed cobra. In California it slithers around InNout

I have seen many trouser snakes in my day. They are easy to handle but prone to spit rapidly.

by lickety sprit December 7, 2016

Trouser snake

A guy’s dick.

Whoa did you see his trouser snake? It’s fucking HUGE!!”

by Sherbear1387 January 29, 2020

breakfast snake

Morning wood

I wish I had a girlfriend who enjoyed breakfast snake.

by sosueme August 15, 2016

trouser snake in the grass

A conniving man who feigns friendship with a woman for the sole person of intercourse.

"When John told his friend Nick that he was only dating Amy for sex, Nick called John a trouser snake in the grass."

by qbillustration June 30, 2013

Snake Arnold

This a man who skips school every day. He also beats up on girls,and rapes chicks

Snake Arnold is a loser

by Tiktok star Alex Mastoris November 4, 2021