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kane and lynch dead men

Kane and Lynch Dead Men is a great third person shooter with "fuck" thrown in nearly every sentence. The voice acting is perfect, the shoot-outs can be intence, multiplayer is fun (except for those little pricks who feel cool by being a traitor), but Kane and Lynch didn't get the credit it deserved.

"Dude Kane and Lynch Dead Men sucks, it only got a 6.7 out of ten!"

"Fuck you dude, try it, don't believe the stupid reviews, just try it!"

by alter-ego Comrade Kane January 7, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wanking Dead Dogs off

What a man (or woman) does to pass the time of day if he so wishes.

"Where's Ginner?"

"Wanking dead dogs off at the side of the road"


by Edith Pilchester June 19, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

better red than dead

It is a play on words of "better dead than red" so it means that you would rather be a communist then to die as a non-communist.

Man, its better red than dead if it means i wont get my head blown off

by Emmsy724 December 31, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

lrg dead serious hoody

The most coveted hoody in history

First exposed to the public when Kanye West rocked the sample at a Stela McCartney fashion show the hype has just kept building.

Trust me this is the closest thing to crack the streetwear industry has ever produced, and leave it to LRG to once again break new ground.

The details are sick, a glow in the dark anatomically correct skeleton printed on the back and the front, covered by the rib cage is a broken heart with subtle repeat stenciling that says rotten, just like you to the core. But nothing tops the full zip hoody, with mesh eye holes so you can rock the full skull head and still not bump into walls. And check the gold fronts skeletor has nothing on this dude!

damn that lrg dead serious hoody a scary good lookin hoodie i'm dead serious

by rjizzle22 May 18, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy

A Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy is usually a random person, who is now dead, that nobody can be bothered picking up.
The Dead Guy will, after a number of weeks, become a member of that society despite his obvious death and putrid stench.
A Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy's history can only be assumed by locals, and a main conclusion drawn between citizens is that they are drifters scalped for their body parts which usually explains the entrails often hanging out of the Dead Guy's face.

Roger: "Darn, I love not doing anything morally correct in society! Oh hello, Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy!"
Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy: "..."

Patricia: "Doesn't anyone think we should pick him up? Give him a burial service? Some sort of recognition?"
Constable Williams: "Haha, Patricia, you make me laugh. He's the Friendly Neighbourhood Dead Guy, and thats all the recognition he deserves."

by angry piece of shit October 3, 2009

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hello are you dead yet

a famous line used by murderers that killed my goldfish and my pikachu use it wisely if i hear you im going to kill you

hello are you dead yet



by gg no ree May 27, 2019

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Don't Dead Open Inside

A humorous meme about signs being misread due to the words being misplaced. Since anyone who has ever read a book before knows that words go left-to-right, doing it any other way causes massive confusion.

Named for an image for the series premiere of The Walking Dead, where there is a chained door with zombies behind it. On the door is a giant spray-painted message that reads, "Don't open, dead inside." From top-to-bottom on the doors.

Several months later, many people began to point out that they mistakenly read it as "Don't Dead Open Inside" before realizing what it was actually supposed to say. As the years passed, several more examples of the meme spawned, and it eventually became the subject of many meme crossovers, such as "Floating Guy Chasing Running Guy," "Woman Yelling at Cat," and "Grandma Finds the Internet."

Don't Dead Open Inside quickly became one of the most popular memes of all time, as well as one of the few "old" memes that withstood the test of time due to its overall versatility.

by Someone who kinda exists August 5, 2021

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