Source Code

Call to adventure


Hym "Nope. You go right ahead and go fuck yourself. No call to adventure. No growth. No heroes journey. You give me the credit or I kill a kid and myself. You self-help bullshit needs to be culled from the face of the earth. We need to hang each and every one of you cocksuckers."

by Hym Iam January 21, 2025

Two Call Process

Two Call Process is where an escort uses two phones calls from you to verify you're legit. The first will take you to a a neutral spot such as a gas station or a fast food parking lot (This usually puts you within 3 blocks or 3 minutes of the place, the "3x3 Rule" ). Once you get there, she will have you call again to get the address.

Yes, i use a standard two call process. Go to the gas station on the corner of MLK and Getiton. Call me when you get there, and I'll give you my address.

by Ass NonyMouse December 7, 2015

Call Of ZAZA

Smoking that call of zaza

Jacobs been smoking that Call of zaza for fourteen and a half weeks

by Cum use July 2, 2023

Group Call

When a group of sexually confused teenagers have a Skype call that lasts longer than 2 hours. Normally contains 4 people, 2 girls, 2 guys and they will try to impress one another until someone jizzes in their pajamas.

"Hey Andy, want to have a Group Call?"

"Sorry Isabela, I've discovered my sexuality, sorry."
"Well that's a shame, i'll find other sexually confused 15 year old."

by Lettuce (Vegan Destroyer) March 8, 2016


In an era of people always having their phones on do not disturb mode (DND), the need to call twice in 3 minutes to break-through DND

1: I couldn't reach Jack's phone
2: Oh, he probably has his phone on DND while studying. Double-call him

by md.caffeiner October 25, 2022

Calling the boys cute

It is not gay to call one of the boys cute or handsome; however, if u say “ I wanna fuck him” then it is gay.

Ben thinks calling the boys cute gay.

by Just that random dude September 22, 2022

Blump Call

The act of texting while shitting.

My son just made his 4:00 blump call today.

by Wana2dmax May 4, 2017