A stupid ass nigga that lives in a ghetto and sucks off people for a dime
Eww look at him he’s a filthy ghetto nigga
Driving though a dangerous area just to look..no interactions with the locals due to being a pussy.
"..last night we went only went ghetto gliding, it was too scary to get out.."
Buffet of all the free food you accumulate from redeeming rewards from fast food restaurants apps.
I am broke. We bout to have a ghetto buffet tonight. What do we have for free on the McDonald’s app? Check dominoes app too! I need to see if we have a free pizza.
All you need, all you can have.
"Nothing tops ghetto buffet"
Ghetto Udon is a recipe (presumably american) made by blending pasta (preferrably spaghetti) into fine powder first, then mixing it with eggs to form a dough. Said dough must be formed into a (preferrably pizza sized) circle (to anger the old gods of italy even more and putting a curse on your whole family for the next 15 generations), then cut into thick slices resembling japanese udon noodles (thus making them all have different size, this is important). These are then boiled in hot water and topped with tomato sauce and cheese (or any other sauce of your choosing, you monster)
I was fucked up high and made ghetto udon for my homies on evening. Even my best and most toelerant homies got all "Momma Mia" and startet beating the crap out of me - they made me swear never to repeat that thing ever again.
Ghetto race is an extreme sport
Where you race through a ghetto with a kkk mask on yelling racial slurs trying not to die
Pete: how was the ghetto race
Joe: Well i ran through a ghetto yelling racist stuff and survived, so well i guess
Pork Steak. people with less money BBQ this than actually buying "beef" filet's. Must be cooked over charcoal, not a gas grill. derives from Florissant, MO. A town within St.Louis county.
Gunna Grill some Ghetto Filets for dinner.