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the worst game you'll ever play. Go play roblox instead....

girl: Fortnite is like a chocolate mop but its worse

mom: ...

by henloidontOdinrobloxsorry December 20, 2019


Fuck y'all who cant make an unbiased review.

Fortnite is a video game whose faim grew exponentially during the first half of 2018. The game is a first person shooter (see also FPS). The game grew to fame due to it being free to play and generally having solid gameplay. The games drop in popularity happened when it stayed too long in mainstream media and people started to find it annoying. Another thing that made people dedest the game with the burning passion of a thousand suns was that people enjoyed the game a lot. The game had grabbed pop culture by the balls. People were now doing dances that appeared in the game irl. Thus the game grew to be hated and was soon abandoned by most lingering as nothing but a bad memory in peoples mind. The gameplay is a solid 7/10

Kid: I'm going to play fortnite.
Sad adult: Ugh, you're going to have fun in a way different than what my generation did? How repugnant. Ew, cringe.

by Owlindenial June 9, 2019



Fortnite is ♋️

by Amongusinreallifesussus June 10, 2021


A game that i can never beat it is just hard since you can be new and a noob

Im good asf at Fortnite

by Itzmeyoboi October 18, 2018


A highly contagious disease that is spread through a game where 9 year olds get into massive trouble for playing past their bed time of 7pm.

Causes: playing fortnite every day

Symptoms: toxicity, raging, gayness, may lead to the player losing friends or girlfriends, can lead to another disease called ligma.

Prevention: abortion

I see a kid, hes a bot, I'm ramping up *intense, loud keyboard sounds* hes 1hp I'm downed. How you bot your trash at fortnite how didn't you kill him 1v1 me I'll smash you.

by Matty135749 August 11, 2020


A highly contagious disease that is spread through a game where 9 year olds get into massive trouble for playing past their bed time of 7pm.

Causes: playing fortnite every day

Symptoms: toxicity, raging, gayness, may lead to the player losing friends or girlfriends, can lead to another disease called ligma.

Prevention: abortion

I see a kid, hes a bot, I'm ramping up *intense, loud keyboard sounds* hes 1hp I'm downed. How you bot your trash at fortnite how didn't you kill him 1v1 me I'll smash you.

by Matty135749 August 11, 2020


A game where 9 year olds risk getting in big trouble for staying up past their bed time of 7pm to play this game and try and get that "victory royal".
Causes: autism
Symptoms: very toxic, addiction,loss of friends and girlfriends

Prevention: abortion

Theres a kid there I'll take the high ground. I'm cracking up some 90s, headshot, I'm downed hes 1hp. How you bot you suck at fortnite. 1 v1 me you noob.

by Matty135749 August 11, 2020