On dinis browser history. Huu gay
Fat guy gets served by straight marine!!
Being broke
"to produce with difficulty"
So broke today, had to search my whole house for a few bucks... straight scraping
A straight guy who is curious to how it would feel if he jammed his finger up his ass.
Jack: *Jerking off to some missionary
Jack: *Starts to get re ally curious
Jack: *Jams finger up his ass
Jack: *Smells Finger
Jack: *proceeds to wash hands
Jack: "And that's the story of how I became an experimental straight and not bisexual.
The most catastrophic and devastating insult available. Everytime a mortal mentions this forbidden word, the void approaches earth with greater magnitude
Carl: your'e mom gay
Steve: no u
terry: ur dad gay
Steve: No, ur dad 2 degrees straight
world: suffers hideous injuries
person 1: bro should we go digging straight down?
person 2: bro NO
person 1: why???
person 2: because its suicide
A man who is only attracted to women would make good wives and mothers and only into relations which will conform to the Natural Law.
Casual sex, contraception, oral, and anything else that got a particular town or two wiped off the face of the Earth in the Old Testament, are all offensive to Aquinas straight people and their sexual orientation.
I've been confused lately, labeling myself as "Super Straight," which is really childish and offensive to me. I am not "Super Straight". I am Aquinas Straight.
A sexual identity characterized by a masculine male, who identifies as heterosexual, but when engaged in outdoor activities with other males such as fishing, hunting, shooting guns, archery, or hiking, sees no problem with giving/getting a blowjob from a buddy. The only rules are no hugging, kissing, touching, affection, and most importantly, to never actually discuss it.
Brian: Hey, I'm gay but I think you are hot. Are you straight?
Steve: Yes, I'm straight.
Brian: Are you straight? Or are you "Idaho Straight'?