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pheromone maxxing

The act of not showering with the belief that doing so will increase their pheromones leading to a level in which they'll attract the opposition gender or preferred gender

"Matthew was pheromone maxxing to hopefully get a date"

by MecaBlox April 25, 2024

pheromone maxxing

Not bathing or using deodorant as to bring out the natural pheromones

Damn, Mason smells so good!
He must be pheromone maxxing

P.U Onion boy

by Puthyslayer21 April 23, 2024

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pheromone maxxing

The act of not showering to increase your aura and power.

Ive heard Randy is pheromone maxxing and hasn't showered in 3 months. His aura is insane.

by ZazaPutMeOnMars June 4, 2024

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Max Paz

He is the best

Max Paz is the best

by Max Paz April 6, 2022

max cook

touches dogs especially pugs

"hey lola come here you dirty girl, my name is max cook by the way."

by fatgrandma December 15, 2023

max corons

Adherents to the moronic and irrational belief that Bitcoin (BTC) has to be crippled to a 1mb blocksize and that suffering extreme transaction fees, unreliability and slowness helps make BTC useful as a store of value.

Max corons don't believe in hard forks or blocksize increases.

by pyalot April 22, 2021

Max stedman

Max is the type of person who won’t admit to things but it’s obvious. He can be very funny but if u is a sensitive bitch ur not going to like his jokes. Max is the realest guy u will ever meet and all of his friends are real too. He also has the power of detecting fake people.

person 1: Max Stedman is so gay.
person 2: Max are u gay?
Max: what?! No i’m not πŸ˜‰
Fakest bitch: Omg Max can i be ur friend?
Max: *detecting fakeness* NO BITCH
Fakest bitch: hahaha ur funny
Max: i know i am
Fakest bitch: 😭 ur so mean πŸ˜–

by yeye666 February 13, 2019