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Term for someone who enjoys clubbing babies, baby seals, and other cute creatures.

"Hey, did you hear about Dan beating those babies, baby seals, and other cute creatures?"

"Man that guy is a real Smoka!"

by k;ajsb;ajbv;a September 14, 2007

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Smoka Mouf

A smoka mouf is a crackhead at the gas station, or someone who’s always doing something stupid and wild. Throwing milk up in the air at Walmart? Smoka mouf. Yelling in the hallway while class is going on? Smoka mouf.

β€œJayden is a smoka mouf bruh.”
β€œStop being a smoka dude”
β€œSmoka mouf ahh jit”

by Lilgoofylil March 18, 2022


To smoke marijuana from a forged bowl created from an empty Coca-Cola can.

Yo, I just finished off this Coke, wanna smoka-bola?

(Guy #1) Dude, I don't have any papers.

(Guy #2) No problem, we can just smoka-bola.

by Randy Newberry October 6, 2009

Iacocca Smoka'

A Mini-van. Named after Lee Iacocca, former chairman of Chrysler Motors

Check out that MILF rollin' in the fresh Iacocca Smoka'.

by ballardite August 19, 2006

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Smoka Cola

The act of smoking cigarettes and drinking Coca Cola. True devotees of this practice cannot have one with out the other.

"I'm going out to my car for a Smoka Cola."

by Big Mikey B April 4, 2008

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crack smoka

Smoking crack cocaine or any other illegal substances out of someone's crack

Angel won't stop smoking weed out of my boyfriend's asshole, she is such a crack smoka.

by harry cucci April 26, 2005

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yo smoka

someone who smokes ur cheeba!!


by Dani March 12, 2003

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