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A people is somebody that is a enemy of lanita but she'll still hang out with and be little bit nice to in the other hand a person is somebody lanita actually likes.

Example: jalil is a people

by Hyperfaceee October 21, 2020


bad thing för THE internet and world

i hate people

by People hater 11111100100100111 March 10, 2023


The things I hate the most

Girlfriend: I hate people so much

Me: even me 🥺
Girlfriend: your not a human

by Greatlord Cthulhu November 28, 2020



dude this guy punched me in the face


people omg

by Spikefall December 19, 2017


A living thing.

The people had a feast!

by ImAKepR January 31, 2018


People are what's wrong with people.

Hym "There's your answer. People are what's wrong with people. You are a fickle, indifferent, cruel, selfish mob. You will sit there and do this to me and then wonder why people kill each other. 'BuT mUh mEnTaL iLlNeSs!' Maybe it isn't. You ever consider that? I mean ACTUALLY consider it. Maybe it is just easy to justify internally (but AGAIN I repeat myself). Every time it happens you get that little flood of righteous indignation. And now you have someone to punish. And we love to punish. It's an affront to your very being because humans are social animals. You're not just YOU. You're you, you (as an abstraction), and you (in aggregate). It could have been YOU. It could have be YOUr other half. It could have been YOUr little YOU. How could anyone want to harm the aspect of God that is YOU?

But it didn't. Thank God. Not this time at least. 'BuT tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn!' What children? The children that only 60 million out of 330 million people have? The children some people shouldn't have because they aren't fit to reproduce? I shouldn't say it like that. It makes it sound like a YOU problem. The children who (some of which) will inevitably grow up and kill people? Has there been a single generation that has gone without spawning a killer? No? That almost makes it sound like societies create them by default. Some more than others I'm sure. Oh! Maybe that's it. Maybe it's bound to happen. Who will it be? Maybe we can decide. Maybe we can all aggregate behind the scenes and arbitrate the process. Keep the number low. Maybe 3% of the population. It has to be someone and the Devil you know is better than the one that you don't. God ALWAYS requires a sacrifice and Cain set the precedent. We'll just pick one of the unclean. It's bound to be someone so it might as well be HIM. He doesn't have to do it (I guess) but we don't have to stop. There is no psychological luxury more sweet than to maltreat someone in the name of the 'good' I wonder... Did you do this to that other guy? How many other people are you doing this to?"

by Hym Iam June 1, 2022


Full of shit. Literally and figuratively.

Hym "People are so full of shit. They tell you that after I mention the fact that Doug referenced my monk, the guy was like 'it was in the background of my Instagram' and it's like Yeah? Doug follows you on Instagram and just quoted the background chatter of a random guys Instagram for no reason? That's what happened? Doug follows you on Instagram, didn't recognize my voice, didn't know I would be watching the show he was on, referenced what I said, and all of this is just a coincidence. None of that was deliberate? Just an accidental thing that accidentally happened? You people are really dicking me with this. For real. You're worse than the fucking transgender idiots. Or at least just a bad. You're going to sit there and try to force me to deny reality. I have to pretend the chick yelling 'hey look it's the goblin slayer!' on her front porch doesn't know who I am? You know how I found out what's-his-face said he was humbled? Some random chick at a restaurant. She just said it out of context because she knew it would connect the dots. Or DIDN'T know I would connect the dots. I reference the 'humbled' statement out of context and you reference the guy to which I was referring. The day after I wrote the post. I just have to sit here and pretend it a coincidence. And it happens over and over. How? Crickets. No response. It's a complete fucking mystery."

by Hym Iam June 21, 2022

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