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Social Arson

The reckless act of "Playing with Fire" as applied to a social or romantic context.

When Melinda asked to borrow her ex's wrench, knowing he would offer to come over and fix her pipes himself, she couldn't help but wonder if the text committed Social Arson.

by Maggie Bittenburg February 24, 2011

Social Arson

A person who goes around starting drama. They enter a group blow things out of proportion and then leave it for you to sort out.

Creating havoc, drama and scenes in a group setting for the effect, with no resolution.

Social Arson Social Arsonist

by live256ryd March 9, 2016

social media vomit

It's when you post on social media without thinking, usually an emotional outburst when stressed, uncomfortable, mad, but most likely drunk.

"Dude, why did you tag everyone one in a post that you love them."
"Sorry I was feeling like I loved everyone after a few shots, and wanted to tell them. It was just social media vomit.

by October 21, 2022

Cuesta Social Club

A medium-sized venue located near the Cuesta Café where a lot of kool students hangout. In the social club, students are usually engaged in a wide variety of activities such as talking about how they got fucked up at the last the party, playing videogames, and occasionally playing ping pong with random objects they find lying around the room. At the social club, you will run into a lot of interesting people.

"Yo, you going to the Cuesta Social Club today?"
"No, why would I?"

by △ Mr. Honest △ November 25, 2019

Social Square

Two or more people talking to each other while blocking a heavy traffic area like a retail store aisle or parking lot.

Can they break up their social square, so people can get their stuff and go?

by jondich July 29, 2020

Drunken Social Studies Teacher

1. Drunken Social Studies Teacher is a nickname given to a drunken (or stupid) individual at a bar (or wherever) that states random "facts" about a historicall, racial or political topics with little or no accuracy.

2. Drunken Social Studies Teacher is also a drinking game centered around a drunken (or stupid) individual at a bar (or wherever) that states random "facts" about a historical, racial or political topic with little or no accuracy, wherein the witnesses of said ramblings drink every time the aforementioned makes an inaccurate remark.

Tell the bartender we need another round, the Drunken Social Studies Teacher at the end of the bar is at it again!

by Toecutterguitar August 8, 2019

Social Moth

Similar to a Social butter fly but you get distracted by shiny things or people just seat you away.

Dude 1: hey man why don't you come to this party?
Dude 2: I would but I'm a bit of a social moth.

by FreedomGriffin April 21, 2018