Kees de Wit is the type of guy who can’t stop talking about the same objects. Especially talking about himself in a extremely boring way. Most Kees de Wits are also trying to be alpha male but 100% of the time that is an extreme failure. And last but not least all Kees de Wits are getting overpaid.
He talked so boring, he really pulled a Kees de Wit
A delicious, funny looking sugared bread, with cruchy symbolic bones sold on November in Mexico everywhere.
Sometimes with pink vegetable paint to represent the human blood that was poured on them during Aztec times.
November is coming, we'll all eat bread of the dead ( Pan de Muerto ) with chocolate atole.
de pana: can be used as saying "ong bro"
"marico de pana y yo le dije que no"
meaning bro ong i told her/him no
The name of a man who was heavily pressured into committing suicide on January 15 2010 at the age of 17. Used as a term for people who aren’t feeling the best physically, mentally, and/or emotionally and they feel overwhelmed by their situation.
I’ve been feeling like griff de sanzo in 2010.
De mporis or in English you can't, means that you are incapable of thinking or acting smart. You can't do anything with your life or you don't know what to do with it.
Example 1:
A guy gets late to his appointment, the other guy gets angry with him and says :
-You stupid mothefucker, De mporis at all. RE.
dongo like a bongo is real in tha hutt
dongo my mom is al de bongo ful of bongo.
Dongo de bongo is a real king of a Bongo.
or lif is sad without a dongo in de bongo