just don't fuck with the fucking logang or you will get fucked up
15 year old:oh shit he is in the logang
logangster: yeah don't fuck with the logang
Unfortunately, this department cannot assist you with your problem. Why? Because I don't give a fuck.
Joey just got fired. He wants to appeal it.
He needs to talk to the department of I don't give a fuck. That guy's an idiot.
No it isn't Jordan! No it isn't! This is You trying to reframe what constitutes belief to justify taking all of that Christian money. To believe in THE CHRISTIAN GOD is to believe that THE THINGS IN THE BOOK DID, ARE, AND WILL HAPPEN, Jordan. Is the Christian God THERE Jordan. Is it THERE and does it have the attributes it is depicted to have in the bible OR.... OR... IS IT NOT THERE, Jordan? Is that A THING THAT YOU THINK? DO YOU THINK THAT THE CREATURE IS THERE? IS THAT A THING YOU THINK OR DO YOU NOT THINK THAT? ARE YOU A BOY OR ARE YOU A GIRL, JORDAN?
Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones "Belief in God is WHATEVER I DO AND NOT THE THING I DON'T DO! Ok!? So if I don't actually believe in God, then, actually believing in God isn't actually believing in God, OK!? Believing in God is something else entirely! Now... Ok!? You can't just ACTUALLY BELIEVE that God is THERE... You gotta... You gotta, like, grapple with the IDEA that it MIGHT be there! And then you gotta interpret the book so that WHATEVER YOU DO... Is doing the Book! Even if you contradict yourself AND THE BOOK! Right!? See, God (and by extension all higher-order abstractions) is whatever I need to do be, moment to moment, for me to maintain a certain level of moral superiority. So, maturity? Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment. Belief? Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment? God? You got it! Whatever I need it to be, moment to moment."
Some cool lingo that you better unlearn when we break up Jared.
Hey Jared, I need to tell you something. ''Ayy panini, don't you be a meanie''
When you don't know in a funny way.
Person 1: do you know what ifunny is?
Person 2: ha I don't know .
when your cool with something a little serious that someone says AND THEN THEY TAKE IT TOO FAR!!
Bartholomew: sorry that your mom died. Emily:its ok.. Bartholomew:JUST LIKE YOUR DAD HAHAHAHAHA Emily: don't even ,you retarted sped ugly unknowingly oblivious obstacalic undefiant gobbling dick wad stupid fuckboy insubordinate yeti.
so yeah dont even means dont take what we are talking about to far.
Don't Damage yourself December (abbreviated DDYD) is a monthly event just as No Nut November or Dick Destroy December. Its ment for people who have suicidal behavoir or perform self harm by cutting theirselves. This is ment to challange those people to stop for atleast one month and possibly longer because it is ment as a kick off month.
Do you participate in DDYD?
Do you participate in Don't Damage yourself December?