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Quote to say to starscream (only if youre megatron)


by thatOneHornyDUDEinTheTeather November 2, 2023

Make It Drizzle

When you go to the club to make it rain but you don't have very much money.

John: "I'ma hit the club and spend all $7 in my wallet!"
Sarah: "Gonna make it drizzle, eh?"

by 916AwesomeLn February 1, 2019

Make a mud pit in my pud mitt

When you take a shit in your hand and jack off with the wet turd..

Got so Randy last night watching the debate that I had to make a mud pit in my pud mitt..

by Klankneptune February 13, 2024

Make it jingle

Pull it out and shake it

Dang, look at that, imma make it jingle.

by Urmomisnotthebomb.com September 2, 2019

Making banana bread

When someone is being retarded and making every bad decision they can think of

I don’t know what to tell you she’s just been making banana bread

by Stick licker March 8, 2024

making banana bread

This is when a girl masturbates with a banana for so long that the banana cooks and begins to smell like banana bread.

That girl had a wild Saturday night making banana bread!

by bakers dozen October 11, 2009

make some morphine

To masturbate, so called because morphine is produced in the body as a hormone.

Oh my god I feel really horny. I have to go make some morphine.

by methedrine September 25, 2008