When you become an addict to such drugs as coke, meth, heroin, because of the easily accessed gate-wayed drug marijuana. Since being legalized, it has gatewayed me into an addict..
Defined as ; Man I started smoking weed cus it's legal now, but it's gate-wayed me into a heroin addict....I'm gonna sue the state and government!
A men with a rocket between his legs, ready to lift any pussy up. A quiet and an introvert person with big balls and heart. Innocent if you don't know him, but absolutely wild if you are close to him.
Oh that's Wai Lyan Tun, I am so wet.
To spit on something in attempt to fix it
She fixed her nintendo DS the grace way.
Howards Way (commonly practiced by effeminate males)
The act of masturbating with the left hand due to the right being incapacitated.
Dude I had to jerk off the Howards Way after breaking my right arm whilst polishing my orange fiat panda.
A synonym for slay and get away.
I just wanna have it the Safonov way, being promoted at work twice in 1 year, while having an average response time of 172 hours.
I do you a favor, you do me a favor you can’t refuse
yeah sure, i’ll give you 15 bucks. But when i ask you for something you can’t refuse, the godfather way.
3 words that are the school moto of John Flamsteed Community School: Ambitious, Committed, Proud. It’s ways that u can show these 3 qualities ina nod out of school, and is plastered on posters all around my school. (John Flamsteed) Ripely Academy (John Flamsteed’s partner school) has the Ripley Way, which is literally the same thing but just for their school.
Nobody follows these rules/qualities tho, we’re all just assholes ✌️
The Jf Way xxxxxx