Shorter version of the terms "We're dipped in shit" commonly used to mean "We're fucked/screwed".
*Trumps becomes president*
All Mexicans: We're dipped.
A woman who chews tobacco regularly. Typically an LA based social media influencer.
Millennial: Did you see Caitlyn’s Instagram story? It’s just her spitting SKOAL chewing tobacco.
Gen Z: She is turning into a dip chick.
When you shove the male reproductive system in a older woman’s queef dust mixed with period blood.
That Cherry fun dip session was scrumdiddlyumptious!
When a man stands naked over another laying down, head to tails, and pours a Belgium beer down his back soaking his balls and proceeds to tea bag them. Hence, a Belgium dip.
I totally gave him/her a Belgium dip
to stab someone multiple times
ya man Reggy got hit with the dip dip dip taking em to the ER
When the male wears a banana flavored condom, sticks his dick in either chocolate or an ass, and the partner proceeds to lick/suck it off.
Dylan: Did you hear about what Dan did last night?
Sam: No, what happened?
Dylan: He totally gave her a Chocolate dipped banana last night.
Sam: Nice.
The action of spitting in ones butthole when they have diarrhea
Wife: ugh I have horrible diarrhea!
Husband: Hey can I spit in your dip?