See, for an INTJ it is easy for me to predict people’s motives after only a while of observation.
The Jewish administration of this website is laughing at you people. Heehee, Dumfuqs.
He’s like a spider that has trapped flies into his web.
You people have become very predictable and dull
1👍 2👎
The whitest of the white people. Very uppity and act like they are holier than thou.
Her family is full of them cream cheese people.
Lonnie Benningfield junior flesh and relbjaloodark skin people's relbjaleeds as in Black's dark and brown people's by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created Lonnie Benningflesh and reLBJaLooDark skin people's reLBJaLeeDS by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
Because it's the basis of our legal system
Hym "Why defend bad people, Candace? Isn't one of the axioms of your religion that everyone is bad? Literally? If you can't defend bad people (to you) YOU can't defend anyone!"
A grotesquely gnomish gaggle of ganged-up, overcompensating turbo-manlets who have, in a childish, desperate and doomed attempt at overcoming their crippling manletism, decided to form a midget gang. Once a diminutively dwarfed new recruit has been sexed-into the gang, it is mandatory for him to participate in typical gang activities, for example: tagging up turf by spray-painting garden gnomes at knee height onto garbage cans and pet doors, drinking Tall Boys and huffing Jenkem, prancing around naked except for high heels and assless chaps in their hobbit-hole of a gang hideout while towel snapping each other's posteriors in an effort to toughen themselves up, telling deeply embarrassing tall tales about how they used to be the biggest kid in preschool, injecting themselves with stolen bovine somatotropin in a futile and injudicious bid at escaping their inevitable fate of becoming a prison wife manlet once caught by the law and incarcerated and frantically praying in front of the countless Randy Newman posters adorning the walls of the manlet pit in their hobbit-hole gang hideout while repetitively reciting the lyrics of their favorite song Short People due to their shared obsession with the delusional hope of being blessed with an adult-onset growth spurt by their beloved God and hero Saint Newman.
Jessica: Lol, why are there a bunch of garden gnomes standing on the corner over there? Olivia: It's just a Short People manlet gang. Here, take my magnifying glass and have a closer look. Can you see that they got little hands, little eyes, that they walk around tellin' great big lies? They got little noses and tiny little teeth. Unsurprisingly they wear platform shoes on their nasty, little feet. Jessica: Oh yeah, they got little baby legs and they stand so low - I'd have to pick one of them up just to say hello! Olivia: Well, I don't want no short people 'round here. Jessica: Short people got no reason.
cocky self absorbed ass holes they think they are the shit gaslighting ass wipes they have the body figure of a hippo they love talking about how great they are but they are as great as a dogs penis
a gross c sectioner :hey im from the C Section
a normal person: KILL YOUR SELF
a normal person: I hate People from the C Section
Very weird.They don’t have brains.
Tatiana: I’m gonna eat some cereal
*puts milk first*
Andreia:ARE YOU OK??
Tatiana: yeah tf
Andreia: No you aren’t you need to go to a mental hospital
(What are people that put milk first *just because I had to*)