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A way in which to say "okay" or "alright"

Man 1: Hey dude, I'll let you know when I get there
Man 2: Straight

by Steaksetfrites October 27, 2019


not me

ew straight

by consume dog 69 October 3, 2020


Being the guy who asks their hot neighbor out for dinner then finding out their not into guy's and are offended by the smallest glimpse of a man.

Straight Man: "Hey I was thinking we shou-"
Woman?: "Who tf gave you the right to ask me out you pervert, all you straight men are so offensive to people like me!"

by Robin Williams on 9/11 January 23, 2024


not me :D

"are you straight"
"its actually insulting that you thought i was straight"
*cries in the corner*

by imthegayest September 13, 2021


i am straight

are you straight?

by reesewithoutherfork April 15, 2022


A (negative) label for people who are boring, typically used by the LGBTQ+ community to point out people they don't like. Though, it really wouldn't make sense to use it if you yourself are, indeed, straight. Unless you have decided to come to terms with the truth, of course.

"Everyone at this crummy family gathering radiates straight energy, can we hurry up and get out?"

by johnny "joe kid" joestar December 12, 2020


Something that all parents want there kids to be

Kid:mom I'm gay

Mom:oh I'm glad you happy

Kid:no mom I like women not men

Mom:oh I want you to be straight honey if you gay then get out my house.

by Fuckkk133 April 30, 2020