A strippers boobs (men like them)
Man1:man lets go get some titties
Man2: yeah I love me some titties
Man1: me to man and some bootys🍑💦
tit· ty ˈtit|ē, -it|, |i
Plural: titties
/slang for a man’s glorious pectoralis.
That Hella mustached dude is hella sexy, super amazing, hella sweet-and gots great titty gains
Stress balls made out of flesh.
Hey Bro did you see her Titties?
Yeah man they look like they could relieve some serious stress.
Balloons to hit yourself in the head with
Bouncy houses
Those tittys made me jump 2x as high as I usually jump!
heehee titties
the boobs on a female human being, soft
hee. hee hee boobie. titties are funny xD