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69 is slang for when two partners arrange their bodies to perform oral sex on one another at the same time in a way said to look like the number 69.

"Hey how much money do you have?"
"69 cents."
"Heh. You know what that means..."

by TheGamer2000 May 16, 2020


1.The rapper sixnine that flexes weed that is actually real grass

2. A number before 70 wait WTF you should know what 69 is but it's ok were dumb fucks

69-- I gotta flex some of my lawn grass
69-- 70

by Officer porkchop April 4, 2020


Tom, what comes after 69?

What comes after 69? Mouthwash- I mean 70

by About29Cats May 31, 2021


Rob Gronkowski's uniform number. you dork

Gamer 1:Dude, Wanna 69?

Gamer 2:Why would i wanna do Rob Gronkowski's uniform number
Gamer 1:Nevermind

by AxolotlinaTopHat December 2, 2019


Rob Gronkowski's uniform number,you dork

Gamer 1: Dude, wanna 69?
Gamer 2: Why would i wanna do Rob Gronkowski's uniform number
Gamer 1: Nevermind.

by AxolotlinaTopHat December 2, 2019


A fucking number u dirty bastards

Mary:oi clive wanna do 69
Clive:Mary why I do a number

by SeshMaster420 May 6, 2019


the number before 70 you dirty-minded cunt.

67 68 69 70

by 69lordofgayyyys May 29, 2020