A slighty over weight teenager who has a strong fetish for sheep and having is nipples squeezed. During intercoure he sometimes says his mothers name rather than the sheeps.
That Kid over there is a real Callum Thomas
Proper hot piffting has a huge horses cock definitely over 10 inch’s
Person 1 : who’s that ?
Person 2 : that’s callum the kid with a huge horse cock
Person 1 : wow it dragging on the floor
Hey, Thats Callum Mcdonald! Is he eating pies, or men?
Person1: Do you know Callum McCrossan
Person 2: Yeah he's a prick
Aquaman: True True
Callum is a beautiful, kind hearted boy. He is very generous and out going. Callum looks out for his family and friends, is very supportive, and achieves a lot of great things. He is caring and a very good looking boy, he’s strong and passionate about sports, and overall he is beautiful on the inside and out
Callum Derrick, is such an amazing boy.
a fat fuck who likes to sit in bed an eat his own body weight in chocolate cake and custard creams
Person 1: Hey have you heard about callum shoeney
Person 2: oh yea that fat fuck
Person 3: Lol rawr xd
the leader of the simps
hey! its the leader of the simps Callum killmartin