It's the smell of wet crayons being drawn on paper. Pretty self-explanatory, or it could be the fresh smell of a broken crayon that's really warm or hot.
Man do you smell something?
No, why?
It smells like white crayon paper man, like you know the smell you smell when you smell a crayon?
I get what you're getting at. They do smell good though.
Yeah.. that's what I call the wet crayon paper smell..
1. a college course, generally a general-education class, in which students are assumed to idle about rather than doing difficult, albeit productive, coursework (i.e. “coloring with crayons” as a reference to kindergarten).
2. a kindergarten course with an unusually high concentration of peculiar children, crafts, and the like.
1. all the hot girls are in my crayon class | in between getting dismantled by engineering courses, my crayon class allows me to unwind and take it easy for a change.
2. being in that kindergarten crayon class with the glue-eaters may have scarred me for life | after that crayon class I had in kindergarten, I see toilet paper rolls and hot glue in a whole new light.
1. a college-level course, usually an easy general-education course, in which it is assumed that students idle about rather than doing difficult, albeit productive, coursework (i.e. "coloring with crayons" as a reference to kindergarten);
2. a kindergarten class in which there is an unusually high concentration of peculiar kids, crafts, and the like.
1. all the hot college girls are in my general-education crayon class | after getting destroyed by my engineering coursework, I can attend my crayon class and take it easy for a change.
2. being in that crayon class with the glue-eaters may have scarred me for life | after that kindergarten crayon class, I saw toilet paper rolls and hot glue in a new light.
crayon is sweet. she has many people who care about her. she is always there for someone and will always have your back. if crayon is your friend you don’t need to worry about her being toxic, or picking fights with you. crayon is very empathetic as well, and good with kids. sometimes crayons friends get on her nerves, but thats ok because she knows that if her friends don’t treat her right, theyre not worth her time! crayon is wonderful and uplifting. find yourself a crayon!
p1: hey have you met crayon buchser yet?
p2: no, are they nice?
p1: yea crayon is the best person i know!
Understanding a concept or idea on a small child's level.
My understanding of global politics is on a total crayon level.
chinese crayons are crayons from china and, commonly unknown, used to contain lead.
the amount was safe for toys, but dangerous for food.
Chinese crayon is my favorite word.
The original Chinese crayons used to contain PB, or lead.
Liquid variant of the art tool commonly used by children. Can be served sat any temperature, because let’s be honest, if you’re at the point of drinking liquified crayons, who cares if it’s hot or cold?
Person 1: Yo dude, this crayon juice has gone off!
Person 2: You’re an idiot, crayons can’t go off.