Source Code

Frozen Boot

A comparison of sorts to how things could have been worse. A form of punishment.

Bob: I pissed away my whole paycheck at the dammed Casino!

Bill: Well, that's better than getting kicked in the balls with a frozen boot!

Bob: That jackass cut me off changing lanes! I wish I had brought the Igloo cooler with the frozen boot for when we get to the next stoplight!

by Ralph, the bus driver October 2, 2006

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Frozen Pea'd

Absolutly wasted and stoned. Your state of mind becomes that of a frozen pea.

Im Well frozen pea'd mate, but whack us some more vodka!

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

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Frozen Clifford

When a woman collects her menstrual blood into a condom, freezes it, when frozen uses it like a dildo to fuck themselves and/or someone else.

Instead of being such bitches, women should put that blood to use in a Frozen Clifford.

by BrownPuffin January 3, 2011

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Frozen Banana

When you are out in the snow and you get snow in your pants, covering your dick.

Oh dude, I so have a frozen banana right now.

by Burzonic July 22, 2016

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Frozen Mordan

When a girl gives head to a boy, and then surprises him by sticking an ice cube up his asshole.

Damn homie, last night my girlfriend caught me by surprise when she gave me a Frozen Mordan

by Badedyret August 20, 2011

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Frozen yogurt

When someone defecates both sperm and feces at the same time. Thus looking like the twist option from frozen yogurt machines.

"sure she enjoyed the orgy, but now she was leaving frozen yogurts in the toilet"

by deyf January 9, 2008

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Frozen fury

One of the worst clans in runescape, they will do anything to get little level 50s to acknowledge them. They bs people, they fake there kills in almost all there vids, and the only reason they won the RSC awards is because they have that nerd jacko in there clan.

Frozen fury , otherwise known as 'Frozen Faggets'

by Sam Forner March 9, 2008

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