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Pop culture has developed a small minority of people that use the term "ginger" as a derogatory name. The popular cartoon, South Park used the term, which could explain the sudden popularity of the myth that people with redhair and pale skin are soulless or vampire-like. The only scientifically proven difference between a redhead and any other color of hair is that their pigmentation is different, which is dictated by genetics.

Jealous blonde: "Those darn gingers always get all of the attention."

by Marci Oldham June 4, 2007

504๐Ÿ‘ 363๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sweet, delicious plant. Ginger root is eaten as food or remedy. According to South Park, the world ginger may also be used to describe people with red hair, pale skin and freckles.

1. Mmm, that tangy ginger root settled my stomach.
2. Look at that ginger, he has red hair.

by dan mahoney December 15, 2005

1294๐Ÿ‘ 981๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone with red or orange coloured hair. That's all. There's no such thing as gingervitis. Freckles aren't just on gingers. It's all a load of bullshit.

"Haha you're ginger!"
*Breaks legs*

by Josephineeee May 27, 2007

682๐Ÿ‘ 505๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone with red hair who inspires jealousy in all those around them who wish they were blessed with the same gene. gingers also tend to be EXTREMELY good looking, and irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex. gingers have been known to brutally murder those who try to hide their jealousy through insults, so all you non-gingers sitting at your computers wishing you had red hair, be careful what you say. you could be next.

non-ginger 1: dude, look at those gingers over there

non-ginger 2: i know man, i wish i had hair like that

non-ginger 1: hey, lets make fun of them and pretend theyre not the awesomest people we've ever met and that we wouldnt give anything to be half as cool as them!

non-ginger 2: thats what i was thinking dude!

ginger: *kills both non-gingers in their sleep*

by gingersareawesom July 17, 2008

265๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word commonly used by assholes to refer to a Redheaded person. Ginger people have souls and aren't out to suck anyones blood out of them. Nor do they have "gingervitus" cause that doesn't fucking exist. Being called a ginger is offending and rude.

Prick : Hey look at the ginger!
Ginger: Fuck you.

by Gingerrr February 6, 2008

737๐Ÿ‘ 565๐Ÿ‘Ž


an ordinary person with a whole bunch of mean spirited people wanting to hurt them. No different than any other person. A person having to deal with discrimination and hostility because of the way they look. Some are little children who are scared to go to school. Very similar to other discriminated minority groups of people.

mean spirited person: "you're ugly!"

ordinary person (ginger): "what an idiot!" (in other words, really stupid with no life!)

by shalaeee November 21, 2008

71๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some of the best people in the world, always smiling, always laughing, beautiful blue eyes and stunning red hair make a gorgeous combination. Secret Ninja's.

That is one gorgeous ginger!

by carolinablondes October 28, 2010

119๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž