Source Code

pushing p

An act of the male gender riding each others penises or the certain urge to get fucked from behind .

Jhonny Appleseed : “ I’m pushing p”
Sally : “ so you like riding other dudes dick “

by Jessica Olsen January 18, 2022

54👍 25👎

kick push

A song by lupe fiasco describing how he grew up as a black skateboarder. He is a rebel because the majority of skateboarders were white and he could not find somewhere to go and legally skate. He talks about his first experiences and his first skater girl friend... (its a really good song).

If you are a skater (or not) you will love this song (kick push) about being rebelious.

by n'joy June 16, 2006

236👍 134👎

Push off

an exclamation from Britain meaning, "go away or get lost!"

"What a mankey git, hey push off!" said Clara to the creepy man, attempting to make offensive smalltalk to her.

by viking_on_stilts May 2, 2007

55👍 25👎

Hook'n Push

1)The process of "hooking" your arm around a girls waist and then placing your hand on her back and "pushing" her upper body downward and proceeding to have sex.

I would definitely hook'n push that girl.

by KingUNREAL March 29, 2008

11👍 3👎

The Push-Pop

It’s when a girl is sucking on a guys non-hard dick and then all of a sudden it gets hard and cums into the girls mouth.

Girl 1: So what did you do last night?
Girl 2: Oh you know just the push-pop..
Girl 1: What the fucks a push-pop!?
Girl 2: ........uhh

by Iliketoeatcatz January 27, 2020

13👍 4👎

Push fart

When someone pushes out a fart that wasn't coming naturally.

"Hey babe did you just push fart?" "Ya I always push fart if they won't come out!"

by TKtheIsh August 18, 2016

13👍 3👎

push play

A band from Long Island, New York who are pretty freaking amazing. They're catchy rock tunes will have everyone singing them soon. And plus they are super hot!

ll> thats the simple of the push player band (:

by pushplaylovvvvvvva June 21, 2008

40👍 18👎