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jive ass shit

a way to say cool that a white kid heard from his dad who was in his teens during the 70's

Shanequa: Hey crackaz and Niggaz, Yall got any weed
Tyler (a.k.a. white kid): My friend, Adam Perri, Has some drug paraphernalia you may be interested in.

by Tyler December 8, 2004

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palvo de jive

Roughly translated as "turkey of jive," palvo de jive is the Spanish version of "Jive Turkey."

?Que us palvo de jive? (What it is jive turkey?)

by tha docta February 1, 2004

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Jive ass turkey

Language you haven't heard in a long time since it's been replaced with newer, softer language like everything else.

Why doesn't that jive ass turkey get a fuckin job so he can get a car and drive through the drive thru like everyone else?

by The Original Agahnim November 4, 2021

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what it is jive turkey

It's a black persons words for "Whats Up"

"What it is Jive Turkey?" Nuttin much muh Nukka!!

by Chelsie February 22, 2004

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Cut of Your Jive

An expression of ones feelings of sexual desire toward another person of the opposite sex.

Wayne: Wow Erin, I was just looking at your myspace pics and i have to say "i like the cut of your jive"

Erin: fuck off wayne you nerd ass cock monger...

by Jinnims Moilans May 26, 2007

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Fifteen Minutes of Jive

In the future, owing to texting, tweeting and websites such as the Urban Dictionary, everyone and his brother will begin to coin phrases (such as "preemptive karma") and the person of the moment who finds himself atop Fortuna's Wheel of Elocution will be, for an instant, the cat's meow. Fifteen Minutes of Jive refers to such a scribbler's brief moment in the spotlight. As it has always done, language will then move on and the word of the moment will be replaced by yet another - only at a noticeably accelerated pace. This will of course lead to Jive Lag and Jivemire as well as Jivemires and a situation in which what was hip at, say, 9:15, will now be considered boorish by 9:35.

In the twenty-first century, the world did not seek out the cleverness of Oscar Wilde in the embodiment of a single individual, but instead sought to steep itself in a continuous omnipresent wit in which billions of individuals could, if only briefly, communally participate in being the life of the party and experience their clever moment in the sun: their fifteen minutes of jive .

by maximo hudson May 12, 2009

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teach me to jive, grasshopper

Asking someone to "teach me to jive, grasshopper" is actually code for "rip off my panties, put them on my head, suck my titays, and then roger me to exhaustion".

A very popular thing to say at parties.

When Binky heard Simone say the magic words, "teach me to jive, grasshopper", he knew it was going to be a good evening.

by scodder May 1, 2010

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