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A beautiful stunning amazing woman from twice. Also very underrated

I love momo

by April 17, 2021


A desperate desperate being who spends sooo much time spying on people from her tablet.

Daaayum Momo needs sleep

by tha ONLY princess October 27, 2021


The most beautiful girl that ever has been in WhatsApp, better than Megan Fox

Guy1: have you seen momo?
Guy2: no... I wished I could, cause she is the most beautiful girl
Guy1: here, look at this picture *shows picture*
Guy2: oh man, so beautiful that I feel that I’m having an epilepsy *dies*
Guy1: yeah, she makes you dream

by I’m in your mind August 4, 2018


1. A terrifying thing that shows up to your screen to push suicide. fake, ignore, keep away from young children. AVOID AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!! IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE
2. Peach in Japanese

1. "Momo came up on my screen, and I freaked out! a stupid challenge!"
2. "Please pass the momo"

by Some person tryna help March 4, 2019


Momo means peach in japan. But the internet has turned this word into a hoax. "The Momo Challenge." had social media creators putting a scary image in the middle of kids videos such as peppa pig. Apparently Momo will tell the child who is watching to commit suicide. Scary.

"Momo is a peachy fruit!"

by Definer The Miner April 5, 2023


Momo is a great friend. Except when they're not. Or when they talk about kpop idols. Using humor as their coping mechanism, they'll make you laugh even during your life-traumatizing experiences. Momos won't ever let you down. Except when they'll do. When they have a chance with one of their numerous romantic interest, for example. But don't worry, otherwise, momo will always be by your side. If you are lucky enough to have a momo in your life, keep them. KEEP THEM AS LONG AND AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOU CAN.

me: oh no... momo let me down to go sleep at thomas'...
random person: don't worry, deep down they feel bad about it. they'll come back tomorrow.
the day after...
momo: hey i'm sorry i like you still
me: this random person was right! you're like a boomerang, you always come back !

by deepthroatingyourdaddy July 18, 2021


The creati bitch
Also known as Ponytail

Momo over there always has a ponytail

by Lord Explosion Murder November 30, 2018