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yellow musket

The boner you get when you have to pee really bad.

"Sam why do you have a boner right now? Is it because of Jessica?"

"No it's a yellow musket, I have to pee really badly"

by Theunitologist February 19, 2016

The Musket Loader

When you shit in your partners mouth and stuff the shit down her throat with your dick.

Guy 1: Carson gave Jessie The Musket Loader last night.
Guy2: Nice bro

by Dic Handle January 10, 2020

Mississippi musket loader

When you’re fucking a girl in the ass:

1 pull your dick out
2 take the dip out of your mouth
3 put it in the asshole
4 put your dick back in stuffing it into the anus

I gave Sarah a Mississippi musket loader last night.

by Mr vanilla wafer December 4, 2020

2👍 2👎

thomas musket

A fucking god that plays Mc too much great friend and over all nice guy kinda weird asking his ex to give head tho anyway u shouldn’t let urself down everyone loves u

Thomas Musket is a ranga

by The One that no one loves March 22, 2020

load the musket

When you're engaging in anal sex with a chew/dip and. Pull out, pop it in and continue as normal.

Load the musket, a sex move. If you will.

by Yoté June 18, 2020

Ukrainian Musket

The act of stuffing your ballsack into a partners vagina or anus with a Ram rod (ex. Dildo).

I have that whore a Ukrainian musket the other night man

by DustyScrote May 13, 2022