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Drama Paparazzi

A person (or people) in a group of friends who always knows about the dramas in the circle of friends, who is often called on to mediate between Drama Queens.

Two school friends have a falling out over a minor issue. The Drama Paparazzi step in and try to resolve the problem, so that the the relationship is patched up.

by ProsperityGirl February 7, 2010


1. A portmanteau of the words "drama" & "dromedary", humorous in invention. Used to suggest a person who has the apathetic, flat affect of a camel; yet continually causes recurring drama sandstorms in their immediate vicinity in order to feel better about their lowly station in life.

Erek: "Did the drama-dary text you about me?"
Evan: "Yeah, she was playing it off like it was nothing, but kept texting about the shit for two hours. Mixed signals and head games, my friend."

by HumanBlade May 29, 2012

Drama Pudding

When two or more people are going back and forth with each other, and you're an innocent bystander, this is what you relax and enjoy. Tastes kind of like vanilla, and the bigger the bowl, the better. Best enjoyed on a lawn chair.

Person A: You're such an asshole, why'd you say that about my girlfriend?
Person B: It's all true, she's a fucking whore and sleeps around!
Person C: -unfolds lawn chair- Mmmmmm.. anyone else want some of this delicious Drama Pudding?

by Billeh Goat August 24, 2009

Drama Queen

A girl you DON'T wanna be friends with. She's mean, dramatic, and is always overreacting. She'll make you think you're friends, but she drop you like that once you do one thing she doesn't like. Then she'll tell you she wants to be friends again, and the talk crap behind your back! Do not, I said DO NOT, be a drama queen or be friends with one. They'll make you regret it. Make the wise choice and be friends with a humble person. That decision, you won't regret.

You: So, did you go on your date with (Person's name here)
Drama Queen: You know I broke up with him! It's like your not even my friend!
*3 Weeks Later*
Drama Queen: Wanna be friends again (Your name here)
You: Sorry, I'm friends with (Persons name here)

by redpanda1111 March 28, 2019

Drama Time

Drama Time is when one friend misleads the other into thinking they will be gossiping, or talking about the week's hot drama. When they assume the close, whisper positions, the friend that offered the gossip will scream "DRAMA TIME" and proceed to shove their hand down one's shirt in order to feel their assets. This all of course is a joking matter, and is in no way an assault of any form.

Hannah: Hey I've got something to tell you.
Ethan: What? *Leans in*
Hannah: DRAMA TIME! *Shoves hand down Ethan's shirt and proceeds to violate him jokingly*
Ethan: GET OFF ME!

by es31421 July 19, 2011

Drama Bitch

Bitch that causes all the drama

Person 1:man she's always in drama.
Person 2:yeah she's such a drama bitch.

by Imverydadicated August 11, 2017

drama fit

Causing as much drama as possible while intoxicated and shirtless. Verb- Drama fittin

Casey Goodenow threw a drama fit

by Sugnasty March 6, 2010

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