When on holidays or at a restaurant etc
The need to guzzle and shed of food to avoid waste
Rooster syndrome;
Rooster zoidberged down the left over rice, even though he was about to explode 😝
Getting up before 6am and ejaculating in your partners face and eye region
Paul said his girl slept too long so he was gonna give her the ol rooster eye.
The biggest cock block you know.
I was at the bar last night and Rachel’s friend Sandy was being the biggest rooster goalie. I could have gotten it in if she wasn’t there.
"Dirt Rooster" is a term for any vehicle throwing a rooster tail of dirt as it accelerates. Typically this is shortened to "roosted" when describing someone on the receiving end of a rooster tail. For instance racers coming off the starting line behind a faster racer get roosted by a dirt rooster.
My new mud knobs turned my bike into a serious dirt rooster. The paddle tires on that mud truck make it a dirt rooster.
a way to describe a something very in the morning, such as a rooster when it crows (referring to actual morning not to the night)
Man I'm so tired, I woke up rooster early.
noun; a person who is the ring leader or the big cheese a person who peforms well in all they do
He is the imperial rooster at the track
An asshole who spends every waking moment of their time preventing others from engaging in the act of sexual intercourse!
see cockblock
That fuckin' Rooster brick busted in the room again, pissed my girlfriend off, so I'm jacking off once again!