a phrase referring to a period in time when drug use was rampant
The 19th century was a stoned age b/c: Pharmacies sold cocaine for a dime, used in Coca Cola, to treat morphine addiction (ironic), a painkiller, and a 19th century equivalent of a 5 Hour Energy.
Late 20th century: MJ
The age where you can be canceled for anything you say or do.
The Cancellation Age is filled with toxic people calling out others with opinions.
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The age where cancel culture is at its tipping point, especially against people who are innocent or not to be judged by the court of public opinion.
The Cancellation Age is like the McCarthyist Era but perpetrated by the leftists.
The current era of human history. A time far removed from the Age of Enlightenment, where ignorance is celebrated and most people get their news exclusively from Facebook. During this era, it is not uncommon to become offended by almost anything or to elect a total buffoon as the leader of your country.
Anti-vaxxers, paper-straw crusaders, and ex-reality TV stars have found solace and meaning during the Age of the Stupid - a glorious time where book learnins’ and critical thinking have largely been eradicated.
Where Humanity and Earth is heading to. We are every day getting close to the Age of Aquarius. Earth and humans will live in peace again. The ruling cabal will fall. Starseeds are assissisting in the process.
Once we will enter the Age of Aquarius, Earth will live in peace!
Time in late modern history after the industrial revolution began but before the world wide web was created.
The age of innocence was a fascinating time.