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Four chan

Best website in history and will never die

Four chan is best chan bitches

by Very big gay mom October 11, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Rule of Four

A rule that Texas Hold'em players use stating that on the flop, a player's chances of making a hand are approximately 4% times the number of cards in the deck (outs) that would make the hand.

I have J-10 and the flop is Q-9-5, giving me an open-ended straight draw. With four eights and four kings in the deck that can make my hand, the Rule of Four states that my chances of getting the straight are 32%.

by HeavyD2 October 26, 2008

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

not three not four

Translated from Chinese's δΈδΈ‰δΈε››οΌŒwhich literally means "not three not four", and metephorically means you're talking non-sense or that this topic of conversation is not based on truth.

Bob: What is he talking about, mountain people mountain sea?

Vincent: Iono man, he's just being not three not four.

Jessica: Hey have you heard about bob's new boyfriend?
Tiffany: Oh stop talking about that not three not four stuff!

by King_Bruce September 18, 2013

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Four Loko

The official drink of blacked out obnoxious bitches

Stupid Bitch #1: I feel like falling down the stairs and ruining the party tonight

Stupid Bitch #2: We should get some Four Loko's. That way we can talk shit about how much we can drink and then pass out after we drink half of one

by PaBRO EscBRObar September 21, 2010

66πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

four loko

a fine malt beverage capturing the essence of thug life. specifically brewed for the consumption of true G's. one of these drinks can cause one to concoct words not known in the English dictionary. warning not meant for the consumption of pregnant bezzies due to the risk of birth defects, such as giving birth to sasquatch like creatures.

damn bud.....................u had 2 four loko's!?.......................u ma hero bud

by omie the homie April 11, 2010

193πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

Clue by four

In most geek communities, being hit by a clue-by-four is generally a sign that the hitter (person doing the hitting) believes the hittee (person being hit) to be an inferior form of life and therefore in need of a good whalloping.

In the past the idea behind the clue-by-four was that you were beating some sense into the hittee. Unfortunately it was later discovered that being hit on the head with a large wooden plank with "CLUE" written on it actually caused a loss of brain cells in the hittee. When you consider that the original intention of the hitter was to provide the hittee with some in the first place, this then put the hittee in a deficit of brain cells. Life, the universe, and everything being what it is, likes to be in a state of balance. So in order to solve the problem of the brain-cell deficit, the hittee would proceed to ask ever increasingly stupid questions causing the original hitter to smack his or her head against a wall, therefore restoring the balance.

For the purpose of beating sense into people, the clue-by-four was replaced by a large foam clue bat which has much the same result as the clue-by-four except does not kill what few brain cells the hittee may or may not already possess. Though the tool of choice now is the foam clue bat, the clue-by-four is still in regular use. It was renamed to the "Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool" which was then shortened to LART.

The key difference between the two tools, though they have the same origins, is what implications of being hit by one might have to your standing in the community that you are a part of.

To be hit with a large foam clue bat signifies that the hitter believes you are being immensely stupid and need correcting in a way that you will never forget, for your own good. Being LARTed is somewhat more common despite it's neurological implications and the fact that it is generally more serious. To be LARTed means that the hitter believes you have done or said something mind-bubblingly stupid and must be punished for your crime. You are not expected to gain anything from the experience as no friendly "constructive criticism" or advice will be given with the LARTing.

It has been theorized is that being hit by a clue-by-four only dislodges the slower, denser brain cells allowing the faster, smarter brian cells more chance of forming rational thought. The tests, however, have been inconcluive; showing positive results in only 42% of subjects.

Don't get hit by a clue by four.

by kodiac1 July 5, 2006

53πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

four loko

Four loko is a 23.5 oz "alcopop" that is 12% abv, that is
1. Guaranteed to get you drunk
2. Guaranteed to prevent your drunk ass from falling asleep

I was up all night drinkin' that four loko.

by schlingalang April 25, 2010

558πŸ‘ 366πŸ‘Ž