A collection of( usually interlinked) web pages, usually under the same domain name, sharing a common theme or topic, and often produced by a person or team to represent a single person, a group, or a business.
If I need information, I'll check their corporate web site.
A page that has an email address which is usally trying to get you to buy something online.
www.Paylessshoesource.com. Famous for footwear.
A cheap and easy way of seeing pornography without having the embarrassment of suffering the newsagent's stare.
eye f0und this l33t web site that had tits and fcuking n evrything.
A collection of wordweb pages/word found on the wordInternet/word, usually relating to a specific topic or area of interest. Sometimes constructed using an application like wordFrontPage/word, but build by the wordhardcore/word in Notepad.
www.urbandictionary.com is a cool website.
A semi-portable reference center. In the 60's, hippies and military men made the computer. Later, the internet was invented. Divisions of the internet are called a web site. On web sites, people can find information on anything, such as dictionaries or pornography.
The Urban Dictionary is a web site
Ash trees are special because they can restore natural systems. They readily colonize riparian areas where their roots help stabilize stream banks, their leaves feed both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and their branches provide shade and nesting sites for many animals.
Nesting site know more Ashley
Another way to call Twitter, especially after Elon Musk's mismanagement.
Nobody knows how the Dead Bird Site’s algorithm works.