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Trench face

If you go to bed too late, the next morning you wake up with a tired line under each eye. After many late nights they resemble trenches! :(

Yes, i know i do have a trench face!

by meggymoomoo November 15, 2009

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trench whore

The nasty sluts you fuck and throw back in the trench who wait there until they're next victim

"Yo I just fucked Destiny" "ew bro she's a trench whore"

by Joeballs123 March 23, 2014

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Trench Daddy

The pimps of the trench warfare

Cayde-6 is my trench daddy

by Trench Daddy October 14, 2016

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Trench mouth

Marks on each side of your mouth from having your face buried in the "trench" of a vagina for long periods of time

By the time she got out of jail she had a bad case if trench mouth from having her face buried in cunt so long

by Urban cunt October 24, 2016

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Bacon Trench

n. The female anatomy.

"I tried to give her the beef cucumber, but her bacon trench was all dried out and full of sand."

by B.LAM February 1, 2009

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Trench Coats

Long ass coats that have huge pockets on the inside perfect for holding guns,drugs,stolen items etc.

The cops funs a gun and a ounce of coke in the pockets of his trench coat

by lazyassloser March 25, 2004

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The act of skinning someone and wearing said skin around as a coat.

That guy is giving me the creeps, he is looking to trench-coat me.

by ChristaLiz September 22, 2010

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