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fr on a mug

To emphasize agreement

Friend: Lets get on Skribbl.io
Me: Fr on a mug yessir
Friend: Yeeeeeiiiir

by fr on a mug123 December 12, 2020


When unruly teenage children go out on Halloween night and steal the bags of candy from the younger children Trick-Or-Treating in the area.
These same teens are often also guilty of TPing peoples trees & houses, going pumpkin killing, and going nigger knocking while leaving flaming bags of dog shit on the porch.

{Carl}: Hey Jason, it's Halloween. Let's go out Mug-A-Treating later!
{Jason}: Good idea Car;! Maybe we'll also go nigger knocking after we've eaten all of the candy we took from all of those stupid kids in their Spiderman costumes. Let me go get some bags...know where any dog poo is?

by Telephony October 29, 2014

Mug Moment

Any remarkable moment that might occur if and when you are drinking a lot of MUG brand Root Beer. The one with the funny dog.

"Damn, I really love MUG" - Jack
"Really? I don't particularly enjoy it." - Zach
"No, bro!" - Mr. Boner *in the process of clobbering Zach*
"MUG Moment!" - God, probably

by pumpernickels January 3, 2022

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Get a get a get a mug mug mug

Get a get a mug mug

What Urban Dictionary persuades you to do when you search up "get a get a mug mug".

"Get a get a get a mug mug mug for your dad trump."

by Get a get a get a mug mug muf February 17, 2021

Emrani mug

the sexiest mug that exist with the pictures of a firm man who likes to make children clap

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Emrani mug so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the Facebook I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of him online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Emrani mug. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Emrani mug's tight coffee pussy. I want him to have my mutant human/mug babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the crocky. I'd take it and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away all of the crockery. I might not ever get to see Emrani mug again.

by Arminsweats March 16, 2022

Mug Runcher

Dyslexic Lesbian, this term can also be used to indicate lesbian with low IQ.

That butch Mug Runcher over at the bar is just so dumb she wears her dungarees backwards.

by sue the rottweiler March 5, 2008

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mugged off

to have to piss taken from, to be disrespected, unfairly treated etc.

"Leonardo Dicaprio was mugged off at the Oscars again"

by tunaroll May 14, 2015

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