Source Code

Criminally short

Refers to the small length or size of something, which is "short" to the point where it can be punished by the law.

"...dude, I mean, you're short but not like criminally short..."

"All pop nowadays are criminally short".

by santgozpt April 13, 2018

Polo Collar Criminal

Millennial/Gen-X male (usually white) who is not highly skilled and doesn’t come from family money but has a nice car, nice house/apartment & disposable income. Typically involved insurance fraud or MLM’s or direct marketing. Almost never prosecuted.

How does Brad spend 3 hours at Lifetime Fitness everyday and drive a 5 series BMW? He’s a polo collar criminal bro…

by JG500 August 27, 2022


You cant go in the place with the shit that you wanna take but you can get in there and usually the choice that gets picked is to hop in and take that shit.

Is this criminalism??

by Ak40Xan October 12, 2019

schrodinger's criminal

One who makes criminal statements, particularly suggesting committing a crime, attempting a crime or otherwise endorsing a crime to be committed, then decides whether they were “just joking” or dead serious based on whether other people in the group approve or not.

The president, playing schrodinger's criminal, said voters could send a mail ballot and then try to vote in-person to see if the mail ballot was tabulated.

by ifjejwo93jf8djq91jddgh September 3, 2020

Total Criminalization

An idea created (after finding out that God never wanted us to be the same) by an unknown individual to bring all of us into one big happy club and follow the doctrine of Portion Controlled Servings, where if someone committed a crime (made easier by newly-invented laws created by legislators for the Governments of the World), they would find themselves within the same group as the President, industrialists, clerical big shots, and anyone who happened to subconsciously commit a crime.

Total Criminalization was based on the principle that if everyone became a crook, they would all be uniform to a certain extent in the overseeing eyes of The Law. Basically: if everyone commits a crime, then they're all equal.

"TOTAL CRIMINALIZATION was the greatest idea of its time and was vastly popular, except with those people who didn't want to be crooks or outlaws. So, of course, they had to be tricked into it, which is one of the reasons why music was eventually made illegal."

by Nakris-2 October 23, 2023


Obese women who like drownded rats like me

That’s a crimin

by Matthew Lumsden March 9, 2018

Criminally thicc

When someone is so thicc that it should be a crime

She’s criminally thicc... no way an ass like that is allowed

by JyCobb May 6, 2021