Source Code

Granny Nap

An extremely long nap.

Person 1 *wakes up*: Holy crap, I fell asleep.
Person 2: Yeah you fucking did. You've been asleep for 3 hours.
Person 1: Power nap.
Person 2: Mate, that was a granny nap.

by AmyVHS August 28, 2008

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granny panties

Cottan underwear that old people wear.

My grandma has flower granny panties!

by Cassie April 7, 2004

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granny stick

Slang for a mechanical bridge. Used in in the game of pool to make difficult to reach shots. Often used by pussies to make shots easier. You will generally be made fun of for using one unless you are a professional player making a legitimate shot.

Guy1: Can you pass me the granny stick, this is a tricky shot.
Guy2: Haha! do you want me to hold your dick while you piss too??

by Mattmo September 22, 2006

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granny dumping

(or grampa dumping) the act of abandoning helpless or destitute old people by families who are not able to care for them

The victims of granny dumping have even more trouble dealing with the problem when they are also victims of Alzheimer's.

by The Return of Light Joker December 19, 2007

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granny gumjobs

Recieving a blowjob from an elderly woman who has no teeth.

Also referred to as a no denture adventure.

Dude last night I got granny gumjobs

by darkingofdeath January 15, 2015

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Gonorrhea Granny

An old lady, preferably a Grandmother, who is taking part in sexual acts and just happened to receive the STD Gonorrhea.

Person 1: Dude my Grandma got Gonorrhea!
Person 2: What a Gonorrhea Granny ffs.

by Xaltz September 10, 2009

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granny juice

The juices or discharge from an old ladies vagina.

Ive just made love with an elderly lady. she was so horny i soon got her granny juices flowing.

by the snercher November 30, 2010

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