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jelly bracelets

to me jellies are just fashion i wear lots of them in every color yeah some of my friends are into the sexual meanings but me i think its gay..i'm a skater its just something to wear like a pair of jeans i mean if i wanted to have sex or anything i would do it b/c i felt ready and b/c i was ready not b/c one of my jellies got broke its really gay but here they mean
blue-oral sex
hot pink-makeout

i was at a party and someone broke one of my pink jellies and said its time to make out..i walked away sayin its not my style

by Britt May 11, 2004

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Vag Jelly

When a girl gets so caught up in something that she doesn't take a shower and forgets and lets someone go down on her and thats where they run into the Vag Jelly!

EWWW! So Matt went down on her and the girl had vag jelly! GROSSSSS!

by Randy A September 6, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

mad jelly

very jealous

question: u jelly?
answer: mad jelly.

by urdadyo March 20, 2012

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Ass jelly

Of, or related to diarrhea; Found in between the butt cheeks of a person dealing with diarrhea. Caused by lack of wiping.

I've had the runs all week, and I think I've got mad ass jelly.

by Johan McTrumpet November 16, 2003

38๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Titty Jelly

When a man has climaxed in the area between your tits. Titty Jelly.

Bob : "I'm going to totally give you some Titty Jelly!"

Sue : "Oh yay! I love me some Titty Jelly!"

by The Kabob Duo April 10, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy jelly

It's when you fingering a girl and you realise she never cleaned out the last guys cum.

As in, shit man I got Sarah's pussy jelly on my tongue

by rightinthepussy September 11, 2014

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Jelly Back

A weak person that always gets stepped on. All talk and no action. A non-vocal vocalist. Someone who will recieve a Dirty sanchez willingly and then complain to their peers about it later. Spineless fuck,supreme follower with alot of mouth. Coward of the highest order.

"Tom is such a jelly back at work." He always bitches about the job but never stands up for what he whines about!
That's why he oftens gets a dirty brooke}.

by JESUS ALVAREZ May 2, 2008

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