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American conservative group that experienced after Ronald Reagan. Neo-Cons typically beleive in Supply side economics, a free market, and social conservatism. (IE: anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage) It is (as of the writing of this definition) the largest group of republicans, including people such as George W. Bush, Tom Delay, and Dick Cheney.

Other powerful factions of the Republican party are the Evangelical Protestants, and the Libertarians.

I, as a neo-conservative, beleive that abortion is murder and that the tax system is currently unfair.

by Matt April 26, 2005

133๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neo pets

Funky looking creatures in the computer.

That neo-pet looks like my cats butt!

by Kilala April 24, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neo-Confederate is a term used by some to describe the views of various groups and individuals who view the Southern secession, the Confederate States of America, and the Southern United States in a heroic light.

Honor of the Confederacy and its veterans โ€” Much of the Neo-Confederate movement is concerned with giving the proper due honor to the Confederacy itself, to the veterans of the Confederacy and Confederate veterans' cemeteries, to the various flags of the Confederacy, and to Southern cultural identity.

Neo-Confederates are openly critical of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln to varied degrees, and of the history of Reconstruction. Various authors have written critiques of Lincoln. Many neo-Confederates promote an unabashed Christian culture. They support, for example, public displays of Christianity, such as School Prayer and displays of the Christian cross. We strongly support the right to keep and bear arms, present in both the United States Constitution and the Confederate States Constitution. Generally we oppose unmitigated illegal immigration of foreign nationals into Southern States.

Secession โ€” many neo-Confederates openly advocate the resecession of the Southern states and territories which comprised the old Confederate States.

Most neo-Confederate groups do not seek violent revolution, but rather an orderly separation, such as was done in the division of Czechoslovakia.

CSA Confederate States of America deep south southern US American Civil War neo-confederate

by The-Creedmoor-Conservative March 11, 2014

38๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

neo Nazi

The Nazis of today who are usually fans of Hitler. They mostly believe that Jews/homosexuals/coloured people who aren't white/Muslims/all religions are retarded and that the world would be a better place with just Aryans.

They must be stopped. No one realises that they are getting bigger and stronger than ever, and if their plans aren't abolished soon, we might well be heading for another, more crueller, World War 2 (the European war, I mean). Need I say more...?

David Irving. Ask about him in any history class and you'll get a lot of dark, dark looks.

by Jo February 23, 2005

212๐Ÿ‘ 254๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neo Nazi

Neo Nazi's are people who hold the beliefs and values of Nazi's in Germany during the Third Reich/Nazi Germany back in 1933-1945. But anyone who is not German or who is especially an American is a complete moron if they say they are a Neo Nazi. Hitler was the enemy of the Americans. We lost many men on our side because of him and the Nazis. Obviously Neo Nazi's do not know anything about World War 2. Eisenhower ,our leader was shocked and cried at the sight of the death camps and made sure it got to the public and had memorials designed to remember the Holocaust victims and we blew up Many statues with the Nazi symbol (swastika) on it. So therefore any American who claims to be Nazi is a traitor and in dire need of a history lesson.

Hey man I am a Neo Nazi now!( His Friend then says): You idiot we fought the Nazis and millions of people on our side died because of the Nazis and Hitler. If you lived back then, then you were at war fighting against the Nazis you stupid idiot.

by Starr James June 25, 2009

211๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neo Puritans is a revival of puritanism in modern day society.
Neo Puritans are people who hold strong Christian values and are usually very right wing conservatives.
They believe in strong morals, are very anti sex or anything sexual in the media, are against the gay community and marriage, pro life, anti drugs, are very pro traditional values and try and police people to not adhering to Christian beliefs and authoritarianism. They are against dressing in a way that is revealing of the human body, and usually police their children on old mindsets involving sex and religion.

"A Neo-Puritan yelled at me for showing my ankles in public yesterday."
"I had a Neo-Puritan yell at me for being openly gay with my boyfriend by standing too close to him."

by Dick Haver June 2, 2021

38๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who advocates communism while also tending to look down upon and patronize, if not openly hate blue collar workers. Likely believes that they should not be obligated to work, but should still be entitled to enjoy the products of the labor of others.

"Rent is theft! I shouldn't have to be a wage slave to enjoy nice things! We have enough automation that I shouldn't have to work!"
"So... you're a neo-communist?"

by Huevos grande November 9, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž