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To be extra fat and unhealthy. "about to get a heart attack

Fadi is obese

by October 5, 2021


Another word for “cool” or “awesome”. Only can be used in the most exciting of situations due to its intense extremity.

Brooo, that party last night was obese as fuck!

by Gabrielle chapa January 7, 2020


some fat bitch

mrs miserany is obese

by somefuckingbitch April 29, 2019


mrs miserany

have you seen the obese teacher at school

by somefuckingbitch April 29, 2019


For when someone figuratively eats so much but saying “you ate” isn’t enough. The word obese is not meant to be used lightly, it shall be used for colossal slays and moments in which someone eats more than most.

Oh my god, she’s obese for this”

by spencerh8account July 29, 2022


Extension of slang use of “fat”, if something is fat (cool, dope, wicked) then if it’s REALLY cool, dope, etc it becomes obese.

That shit is so fat it’s obese!”

by Sweet Clod June 2, 2023



Me: hey guys! guess what?
Friends: what?
Me: I know this isn't a surprised but hey, i'm obese!

by flemenco May 4, 2023