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Usually a gay boy who will suck dick for money. Guy who got no basketball handles gets crosses so much. ask for money ate all my food.

Oscar ate all my food

by iuahnsdf November 3, 2017

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Oscar Hodges small is named that because he is a very short person although his Goethe may be small he makes up for in penis length

Harry s : Oscar is sooo short man

Luke g : I know but he has a massive penis

by Competitive_sausage_eater3000 March 8, 2022

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Saying "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck." Bro. Oscar may not be the brightest, but he'll say fuck the longest. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

A: That kid got in trouble with the teacher yesterday
B: Why?
A: He pulled an Oscar

by Oscar Battaglia December 6, 2020

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A fat kid from melbourne. He is shit at sport and has no friends. He loves dick and gets no pussy.

"Oscar" has a chode.

by Weiner in your bumhole November 6, 2019

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Lesbian for his mom, will frick his twin brother, leaves his friends behind in French class.

Hey mom, it’s me Oscar, you ready?

by Onion Chan February 4, 2020

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Oscar is a sexy beast also hates gingers especially ones called Ewan will take the mick out of others but great at sport and does well in school

Girl:Sexy guy there

Girl2:Yeah that’s an Oscar

Girl3:he hates Ewan though

by Real rabbet October 18, 2018

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The perfect example of a snake

Oscar slither through the grass

by diaz831 February 1, 2015

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