The sudden urge to code a new application just because someone gave you an idea.
Person: "Just imagine a website where people could document slang words."
Developer: "Man, you gave me the biggest programming boner right now!"
Procedural programming is a computer programming model built around the idea programs are sequences of instructions to be executed. They focus heavily on splitting up programs into named sets of instructions called procedures, analogous to functions.
This is different from object-oriented programming.
Some examples of procedural programming languages are: C, BASIC
The reason the war on porn doesn't work. I'm not schizophrenic and I release the lifetime documents for Kaelen Cody William Granger to disprove.
The NASA space program militarized for a reason
TV shows that are either bad or unfunny.
Lots of shows on TV are unoriginal programming.
The word Asian Programs was invented by an “Asian” Nigga called Guapo. Asian programs can be ran to find the @ of “interesting” females on any social media. Also can be described as cheats in video games.
Tray: Using Asian programs, i was finally able to find the perfect midget
Much in the way one who participates in heavy drinking, but can operate in normal society is a functional alcoholic: one who participates in heavy function use, but can program normal programs is doing functional programming. Functions, especially the more street available nested anonymous ones, are highly addictive and may make you want to abandon other forms of control flow entirely. Allows one to write code that operates on other code easily. Nerd Shit.
My favorite functional programming language is Idris, it's like Haskell but for nerds.
a shitty way to program that is infearior to imperative programmering languages like HolyC
haskell is ass because it uses functional programming