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prairie ridge high school

School with a bunch of preppy ass rich kids. They think they are the shit and are cocky as hell.

Those kids from prairie ridge high school are cocky as fuck

by Coolass7393 February 2, 2017

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Prairie dog straight jacket

When you know your chick has to poop so you wrap her up so tight with the sheets that she can't move her arms and then butt fuck her while she's pooping

I saw my girl crowning and I was feeling horny so I grabbed her and gave her the old prairie dog straight jacket.

by 420twerm December 28, 2022

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New Prairie High School

A highschool in northern Indiana that is just getting remodeled, the school is filled with rude bitches and hoes. It is in the country so there is a lot of hillbillies and sluts. This is one of the most fakest highschools known. Only go there if you want to get into drama and deal with ugly fake ass bitches.

β€œNew Prairie High School is boring and horrible I hate it”

by goldendoodledoo February 10, 2019

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little house on the prairie

an illegal lab where crystal meth is made

that hoe was having problems with her pimp so now she's making crystal in a little house on the prairie

by G-Unit Gangsta April 25, 2008

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new prairie middle school

A shithole that is full of slutty kids and assholes, the teachers don’t give a fuck about the students and only care about getting their money, the food is overpriced and tastes extremely bland, the only thing the school actually cares about is test scores and if girls have holes in their jeans

I used to go to new prairie middle school, absolute fuck fest if I do say so myself

by Booty eater8294748992837473839 October 26, 2019

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Prairie view high School

A place where tiny little Mexican girls think the run shit@πŸ€”,and ugly ass niggas be boomin in there jainky ass cars making a whole lotta noice for no reason 98.999% are pot heads@meee bitchesss

Every day when I walk into Prairie view high School it smells dankπŸš¬πŸ’¨

by That bitch😯 November 23, 2018

prairie trail middle school

hell. literal hell. the worst place ever. where PE teachers yell at you until you vomit/cry, science teachers are horrible (especially the 8th grade science teacher on team Freedom), and the message of togetherness is blabbered on about so much that you want to die. don't go here. worst place in Johnson county. filled with white racist, sexist, trump supporting assholes who only care about fucking the popular girls and their $100 fidget spinners, and idiotic, unhelpful administrators/counselors that tell you to shove your feelings down so they can be lazy and get their next paycheck. graduated from this hellhole in 2017, and never going back.

"yo man have you ever been to Prairie Trail middle school?"
"nah bro, that place is worse than hell. I'd rather fuck a cactus"

by turtlemom June 15, 2017

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