The word Shawn Mendes uses when he's talking about when SM3 is going to come out. It could mean tomorrow, next week, next month, hell, it could even mean next year. It's a sense of time that never arrives.
album soon come - Shawn Mendes, instagram.
When will SM3 come out? - Soon.
Soon means in 26484884 years if the word is used by a member of One Direction.
Band member Niall Horan tells fans that a One Direction reunion is definitely happening soon.
Lil bibbys word to use when he doesn't have an excuse to drop the release date for THE PARTY NEVER ENDS
@jerryRu44492210: "When is 'the party never ends' releasing"
@Lilbibby_: "soon"
@jerryRu44492210:"fuck you"
Soon means, in or after a short time, but some fuckers at LS have their brain in their ass. We all know 12.16 won't come out till 2077 so until then I think the devs over at LS learn to write a bypass so we don't rely on one person. AND I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IF THIS GUY IS EVEN ALIVE
"Script Enjoyer: eta?
Some fucker named nothinghere: Soon"
Soon is a term used by fuckers at LS who are trying to hide the fact that their bypass guy is dead and are desperately trying to learn how to code
Script enjoyer: eta?
Some mother fucker named nothinghere: soon
In a period of time determined by us.
harry: wen muteishon?
Garg: stfu, soon.
peter: wHy aRe YoU bUyInG $5k jOeGs
A point in time that RobTop says he will release an update.
"Don't worry guys, 2.2 is coming soon"