on may 15 buff has to fix his unturned game or bron will kill him
"buff go fix your fucking unturned already"
"its national make buff fix unturned day"
The literally translation would be "no lo hagas mal" but does not fit. The exactly translation is "no lo estropees".
Hey Jude don't make it bad
Hey Jude no lo estropees
to make his/hers/my soul sing, a fantastic feeling often felt during or right after intercourse
f.x. when we have sex you make my soul sing
Pewdiepie’s channel description
Everyone: hi, I’m ___ I’m from ___, I’m __ years old, I love ____ and I make videos about ____
Pewds: I make videos
Boy:shut up
Girl: make me shut up
Boy:” makes her shut up”
When you spit on a girls asshole and rub it un until it turns grey.
Look at that hot chick over there. I'd like to make it gray with her.
The act of making out with your homies before bed, and wishing them goodnight.
While kissing the homies goodnight is not gay, making out with the homies goodnight is. Only gay people make out with the homies.
Josh: Sorry, I was making out with the homies goodnight.
Sarah: Isn't that gay?
Josh: Yes. This is my way of saying goodbye.
Sarah: ...Josh??
Sarah: Josh please you're being ridiculous!
*Born This Way by Lady Gaga plays*