An exclusive gang to those of upmost quality, if you are in, you are in until you die.
To Quote the mighty EpicNuke, "egg".
Who are they?
They are Egg Gang.
When two or more individuals thoughts are connected subliminally. Usually enhanced by hallucinogens.
Quis: (tripping out on acid)
Quis: (see's traintracks floating in sky)
Diggs: Train Tracks!
Quis: The fuck, I was just thinking about train tracks.
Diggs: Mind Connect Gang....
Quis: (mind blown)
A gang created from the video game Unturned, in which they are an exclusive high priority gang that gets respect from almost every other player in the game; also known as a villain to the Squid Gang and Flame Gang.
The Boom Gang is MUCH has way more clout than the Turtle Gang!
The coolest gang in the world. you are VERY lucky if you are part of the red hood gang (RHG for short)
"whoa dude! you're part of the red hood gang?! You're so lucky."
A rebellious YouTube long boarding gang that know how to shred the gnar. They post epic videos of them skateboarding, lighting things on fire, and getting bagels, and standing in fountains. The channel features 3 bffs gooping around having a few chuckles along the way. The channels s definitely one look out for.
"What r u watching?"
"The new Goop Gang video!"
When there are a bunch of gecko’s on top of each other.
I seen a gecko gang bang at Petco.
The E-Gang is the official term for the e-girl and e-boy community. Like how there is the “hype house” for the vsco white kids. The E-Gang is for the edgy dressing/acting kids.
“Yo, Sadie is apart of the E-Gang”
“Tyler is in the E-Gang now, what an edgy white boy.”