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when you misspell fuck and you sound like idiot

“i ducking hate ducks

by sodapoda October 14, 2021


A cute way to say dick

Sucky my ducky

by Do you wanna eat pizza March 19, 2019


No one fucking knows

NBA Youngboy: "So we been steppin' on them ducks"
Literally everyone else: "What the fuck does that mean?"

by IDontStepOnDucks January 17, 2023


verb (used with object), duck·ed, duck·ing.

to escape from by trickery or cleverness:
to duck one's pursuers.

to get around by trickery:
to duck the rules.

to avoid doing or fulfilling:
to duck an obligation.

to avoid answering directly:
to duck a question.

derived from the practice of lowering ones stature (that is, to duck) in order to evade a punch or strike

I've been trying to catch him after school but he keeps ducking me

by The Black Ranger April 18, 2020



Person: omg, look at all those ducks!
Duck: quack

by pianomezzoforte June 29, 2019


Its an organization devoted to worship snowball

I am part of the ducks

by snowball fan February 20, 2023


when in a shootout taking cover or when getting shot while in a car trying to not get shot its ducking

when i shoot everybody ducking...

by O'SHOOTA November 10, 2022